Status: Wait List

Reading The 1619 Project: A New Origin Story – Part II

Exploring the second half of the book which re-examines the place of slavery in our country’s development

Spring 2024
Tuesday Afternoon
Moderators: Sara Lennox, Naomi Yanis



The book presents a new narrative of U.S. history that centers on the Black experience and shows how the effects of slavery continue to inform the present day. We will explore the topics presented in the second half of the book.


We plan to explore the concepts and information Nikole Hannah-Jones and her fellow authors address in The 1619 Project by discussing one chapter each week. Each session will have only one presentation, leaving us a second hour for discussion of the topic. The fall seminar looked at the first half of the book and this Spring we will continue, but each seminar is independent, not requiring participation in the other.

ROLE OF PARTICIPANTS: Participants will be expected to read a chapter each week. In addition, they will choose to make a presentation related to one of the chapters or to lead a discussion based on one of the chapters.

The moderators will provide a list of resources.

ABOUT THE MODERATOR: Sara Lennox directed the UMass Social Thought and Political Economy Program. She serves on the board of Historic Northampton, advised Historic Northampton’s Slavery Research Project, and is on the David Ruggles Center and Northampton Reparations committees. Naomi Yanis, an FCLIR member since 1996, has taken almost 200 seminars, moderated several, and has served on many committees and as president many years ago. She has had a deep interest in anti-racism throughout her life.