Frequently Asked Questions
The links on this page may help you navigate this website more efficiently. Check out our page of additional resources too. If you can’t find what you are looking for here or in the menus, please contact the office for assistance.
To talk with a member about Learning in Retirement people and programs, contact us.
To find out how to become a member or to renew your membership, click here. FCLIR’s membership year runs from May 1 through April 30.
Start with our events calendar. Clicking on the title of an event will bring up more information.
Notice that if you prefer to view the calendar by month, that is an option you can select at the upper right. Move forward or backward (including to past events) using the arrows at the upper left.
FCLIR seminars and workshops are open to FCLIR members only, so first be sure that your membership is up-to-date. Our membership year runs from May 1 to April 30. Members may enroll in as many seminars and workshops as they like for no additional fees.
Members must use the online forms to register for seminars and workshops. The initial registration period for fall seminars and workshops is in mid-May. For the spring semester it is in early December of the preceding year.
Enrollment may require a lottery to assign initial registrants to oversubscribed seminars. Registration continues for available seminars after the “lottery deadline”, but some seminars and workshops may be closed or wait-listed only.
For links to the current catalog (PDF and online) and the associated registration form, click here.
For information about short intersession seminars and workshops, click here. Registration for these is first-come first-served.
Not all FCLIR programs require registration.
For a list of all upcoming events, see the Calendar. Registration requirements for a specific event or series of events are included in the calendar.
Programs for members include interest groups, summer/winter programs including short seminars, various social events, and other extracurricular activities. Two regularly scheduled events are the annual Memorial Service and Annual Meeting.
Members as well as the public may enjoy our Encore! series and various special programs.
For more information about planning and moderating a seminar or workshop, click here. You can also contact the co-chairs of the Curriculum Committee.
To propose a spring or fall seminar or workshop, click here.
To propose a short summer or winter workshop, click here.
To propose a new interest group for members, click here.
To propose a special program, including programs that require significant seed money or financial subsidy by FCLIR, click here.
To propose other types of programs, including summer/winter programs that are not seminars or workshops, click here.
With only one part-time paid employee, FCLIR relies on members like you! Read about the many ways you can get involved here.
Donations to FCLIR over and above your dues are tax-deductible and help us keep membership and programmatic offerings affordable for all. To make a donation, click here.