More Resources at Your Disposal
No matter the topic, FCLIR members have a pool of resources to dive deep into it.
The links on this page may help you find the answers to your questions. Be sure to check the FAQ page too. If you can’t find what you are looking for here or in the menus, please contact the office for assistance.
To ask a member about Learning in Retirement people and programs, contact us.
To find out how to become a member, click here.
The elected Council is the main governing body of FCLIR. The roles and responsibilities of Council and its Officers are spelled out in our Bylaws and the Operations Manual.
Council is supported by a number of standing committees, some of which are mandated by the Bylaws. The current committee structure is described here.
FCLIR has a part-time office manager, but relies on volunteers to develop policy and create and implement all programming.
Learn about FCLIR’s participatory learning seminar model
Find forms for membership, registration for seminars and other programs, submitting proposals, volunteering, and more
Find past catalogs, newsletters, and other documents in our archives.
Boston Public Library
Anyone who is a Massachusetts resident can obtain an e-card from the Boston Public Library. This provides access to JSTOR and much more.
Five College Libraries
Membership in FCLIR provides additional access to the libraries of the Five College Consortium institutions.
Your local town library which has many resources as well as being part of the CW MARS system.
The Hampshire Law Library in Northampton has online access.