The heart of FCLIR is our program of seminars and workshops. Like all FCLIR programs, this core program is created and implemented by our volunteer members.
Now that you are starting to think about joining the volunteers who have made FCLIR what it is by beginning to develop a seminar or workshop, keep in mind that the seminars and workshops take many forms, a point made abundantly clear in the Handbook for Moderators. The Handbook provides a detailed step-by-step guide, from preparing a proposal to moderating your seminar once it begins. The Handbook for Participants may also prove useful as you develop a format for your own seminar or workshop.
Past FCLIR catalogs can be a source of inspiration for seminar and workshop ideas, or even help you find a co-moderator. You may also enjoy browsing through the lists of past seminars, organized by topic or by year. Additional resources are found at Researching a Topic.
Members may also develop shorter seminars and workshops to offer as summer or winter programs. Their format is more flexible, but thay are still expected to conform to FCLIR’s peer-led model.
Planning assistance is offered by the members of the Curriculum Committee, either one-on-one or at one of their moderator meetings. The meetings provide an opportunity for potential and experienced moderators to share questions and answers about everything from choosing a format for your seminar to facilitating stimulating conversations on Zoom.
To submit your proposal to the Curriculum Committee, fill out the appropriate proposal form below.