Status: Cancelled

Our Changing Neighborhoods

Where we grew up

Spring 2024
Monday Morning
Moderator: Patricia Tillona



Our purpose will be to look at the changes that have taken place in our old neighborhoods: What were they like when we were growing up, and what are they like today? What was around then and what is missing today?


This will be a trip down memory lane—a look at the neighborhoods that we each lived in growing up in the 40s, 50s, and 60s. We will explore what made up each of our neighborhoods. What did we enjoy having around and take for granted that they would always be there, but aren’t today? It can be difficult to go back and find that the old neighborhood has changed. People may have moved and businesses may no longer exist that were so important. Friends’ parents may be gone. Neighborhoods that we called home for a long time may no longer be the same, but they may still inspire fond memories.

ROLE OF PARTICIPANTS: We will each prepare a 20-30 minute presentation describing the neighborhood that we lived in, explaining its meaning to us now, and then lead participants in discussion.

There are no publications that the moderator can suggest. You may use your memory and ask friends or relatives for information. You may use old photos, those you have or those you need to borrow from friends and relations. You may find information and photos online. Don’t overlook YouTube, where you may be able to find a video that shows life as it was back then, and is now.

ABOUT THE MODERATOR: Patricia is a retired early childhood teacher from NYC. She has been with FCLIR since 2010. This topic was the focus of the first seminar that she moderated three years after joining FCLIR. It was well received.