Status: Available

Poetry Out Loud

Sound and sense of poems to remember

Fall 2024
Tuesday Afternoon
Moderator: Nancy Denig



The purpose of this seminar is to appreciate the music and understand the language of poetry.


Poetry Out Loud has been a popular FCLIR seminar over the years. Rather than specifying the poets to be read, however, this variation will be organized around themes – of love, joy, grief, nature, and the like – as expressed by a variety of poets. Each poem will be read aloud by participants, with time for comments and discussion.

ROLE OF PARTICIPANTS: In addition to class participation, seminar members will (1) create an anthology of 6-8 poems selected for relevance to a theme of their choosing; and (2) take responsibility for a 50-minute session, including a brief introduction, with readings by other participants (from photocopies provided by each “presenter”), with a follow-up discussion.

There is no single text for this seminar; your personal library or the web may well be all that’s needed. Participants, though, are encouraged to review (and/or utilize) other poetry anthologies, especially Roger Housden’s ten poem series: Ten Poems to Say Goodbye, Ten Poems for Difficult Times, Ten Poems to Last a Lifetime, and Ten Poems to Set You Free.

ABOUT THE MODERATOR: Nancy Denig has moderated an increasing number of FCLIR seminars, including several iterations of Poetry Out Loud. She enjoys poetry enough to have tried her own hand at writing it.