Showcase of FCLIR Poets
including Martha Cohen, Nancy Denig, Suzette Jones, Sara Jonsberg, Carmen Lee, David Neelon, Austin Porter
Proposed Changes to FCLIR Bylaws
Download: Proposed Amendments and Explanation of Proposed Amendments A large number of amendments to the FCLIR Bylaws will be voted on at the upcoming Annual Meeting in May. The Bylaws require that proposed amendments, along with explanatory material, be
FCLIR’s Hybrid Seminar System
FCLIR has been testing its new, portable hybrid system, the OWL. Many like it better than the built-in system at the Annex.
Extracurricular Activities: Suggestions Past and Future
Some ideas for extracurricular summer activities.
What is the Lottery?
“The Lottery” is FCLIR’s name for the process by which members are enrolled in seminars and workshops based on their registration requests. How does it work? What are the issues?
What happened to our committees?
FCLIR now has only two Council-established committees in addition to the four bylaws-mandated committees. Why this change? and how do you get involved?