Author: Kristin Langevin

Proposed Changes to FCLIR Bylaws

Download: Proposed Amendments and Explanation of Proposed Amendments     A large number of amendments to the FCLIR Bylaws will be voted on at the upcoming Annual Meeting in May. The Bylaws require that proposed amendments, along with explanatory material, be

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What is the Lottery?

“The Lottery” is FCLIR’s name for the process by which members are enrolled in seminars and workshops based on their registration requests. How does it work? What are the issues?

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Member Profile: Naomi Yanis

Few have made such a positive impact on this organization as long-time member Naomi Yanis. In addition to taking and moderating seminars, Naomi has played a significant role in initiating policy by chairing committees and serving on the Council, including a term as President.

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Profile: Jim Harvey

Jim has been a member of FCLIR for more than twenty years. He has moderated dozens of seminars and taken on many other roles in our organization.

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