Five Colleges Learning in Retirement welcomes, as members and guests, persons of any race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex or gender (including sexual orientation and gender identity), disability, religious belief, and socio-economic status. Further, Five Colleges Learning in Retirement does not discriminate in its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex or gender (including sexual orientation and gender identity), disability, religious belief, or socioeconomic status. (Adopted June 17, 2020.)
The Five College Learning in Retirement Council endorses the sentiments expressed by the Five College Consortium in its statement on Racial Equity and Justice, which reads in part:
“A core element of the mission of Five Colleges, Incorporated is to support and sustain a robust academic community in the Connecticut River Valley through the programs we manage on behalf of our member campuses. Doing this community-building work well requires that we engage and empower all members of the community. To that end, Five Colleges endeavors to be an anti-racist organization, that we may better fulfill our purpose and serve our member campuses.”