Message from the Curriculum Committee: Fall Seminar Proposals

Interested in moderating a seminar for Fall 2025?


Moi, a moderator ?

Becoming a moderator is more rewarding and certainly less onerous than you may think. You don’t have to be an expert, either. FCLIR is about peer-led learning, after all.

Where to begin? 

You may be harboring an idea for a seminar or workshop. Great. If not, though, FCLIR’s website – – has some ideas and inspirations to get you off square one – lists of oldies-but-goodies (under “Archives”, posted under “Resources”). There you will find an array of class titles, listed alphabetically by topic (Architecture to Zoolology), or listed chronologically by year (1989 to present). You may find just the class there that bears repeating (with a new twist by you, to be sure); or you may be inspired to forge into new territory. Both are good. Brainstorming with others – a friend or co-moderator, perhaps – can be inspiring, too. 

What might I consider first?

Here are a few things you might decide upon at the start of writing a proposal:

    • A co-moderator partner – yes or no; if so, who?
    • Class type – 1.) a peer-led learning seminar, 2.) a specialist-led seminar (featuring complementary presentations/lectures by guests who are expert in their field, or 3.) a hands-on workshop?
    • Alternatives approaches – some LIR members shy away from the prospect of making a presentation; think about how else seminar members might participate. 
    • Preliminary class schedule – there’s nothing cast in stone about proposing ten sessions is there? No. You can choose to make it shorter.
  • Above all, ask what makes for a successful seminar. Your own experience with various seminars may well be the best way to judge. 

How do I develop a proposal? 

Handbooks and Guides” (under “Help and Resources” on our website) is good for general information. “Forms” gets you to a simple questionnaire; its prompts help organize your thoughts and lead to a link for submittal. For non-robot help along the way, email or call FCLIR’s Office Manager (at or 413-542-4031), or reach out to any member of the Curriculum Committee.

Then What?

Once you’ve submitted your first draft, you’ll be contacted by a Committee liaison who will  convey positive feedback with a friendly touch.


Nancy Denig, Curriculum Committee Co-Chair