Dear Fellow Members of FCLIR,
What is the new governance plan?
On March 13, Council unanimously voted to accept the new governance bylaws for distribution to the membership in anticipation of a vote.
Communication and collaboration are the watchwords of the new governance plan. The majority of council members will be elected from the membership at large. In addition, each of the four standing committees will send a representative with voting privileges to Council. Council has final authority over all matters.
The basic concept of the new governance is to match the jobs that need to be done with people who have the skills and interests to do them. Many jobs will be undertaken by Council members, but Council can also reach out to the membership at large to fill specific needs of the organization. Council will choose its own leadership and match administrative and executive jobs with the best suited person.
Our purpose and our programs are unchanged by this new organizational structure and bylaws. Flexibility to meet changing needs and circumstances is built in to assure that FCLIR can remain a vibrant, relevant organization long into the future.
What is needed from you?
You are asked to attend a special FCLIR meeting on May 21 on Zoom to vote on the new bylaws. The proposed bylaws were drafted after conferring with Council and with FCI. They were unanimously approved by Council on March 13. Current committee chairs, and our FCI representative have also approved the proposed bylaws. In order for these new bylaws to be adopted, a special meeting (to be held on zoom) must be attended by at least 30% of our membership. Sixty per cent (60%) of those in attendance must vote in favor to adopt the proposed bylaws.
Between now and May 21, you will be given lots of information and answers to all your questions and concerns. Our membership year starts on May 1. That means that current members must renew for the membership year 2025-2026 in order to vote. Registration for fall seminars will begin on May 10 and also requires the renewal of your membership to participate in the lottery.
Both the present and the proposed bylaws with the major differences highlighted will be sent to the membership. You will be offered opportunities to ask questions. You will be invited to attend one or more informational meetings. You will be encouraged not just to learn about the new governance structures, but you will be invited and encouraged to participate, run for a place on Council, join a committee, each of which will appoint a voting representative to Council. Let us know of skills you would like to share.
Francie Borden, President