Between semesters, FCLIR members can enjoy a range of short seminars and workshops as well as other programs and extracurricular activities.
What We Did For Love
Facilitators: Bob Cohen, Martha Cohen
Location: Zoom
Date: January 23 & 30. 9:30-11:30am.
Our winter program will encourage folks to share an activity in your past or present life which moves you deeply, keeps you focused, fulfills your need to give back to the community, or is just so much fun that you feel endlessly grateful to have had this opportunity. Most likely, we will have time for each person to share more than one beloved activity or experience. Here are some ideas you might consider for your 5-10 minute presentation:
Have you ever had a job that you loved so much that you couldn’t believe they were actually paying you to do it?
Do you have a passion for collecting something that consumes you night and day?
Have you had a travel experience that was transcendent and changed your life?
Do you get deep fulfillment from volunteering?
Do you have something at the top of your bucket list that you are working diligently to complete?
This is a chance to get to know each other in a way totally different from in regular Fall and Spring seminars. We hope there will be some fascinating and entertaining surprises.
Sharing Soups and Stories
Facilitator: Edie Kirk
Location: FCI Library Annex
Date: January 21, 28; February 4. 11am – 1pm.
Overview: Wouldn’t it be fun to gather together to sip delicious soup and share stories of the joy of soup in our families, anytime from our childhood to the present. Or you may have other information to share about soup. For example, the earliest archaeological evidence for the consumption of soup dates back to 6000 BC, and it was hippopotamus soup. (Jan 30, 2019 Anyone have that recipe?
If you are interested and would like to bring a soup to one of the meeting dates, awesome! If you are interested in sipping soup but not in making it, you are still welcome! We will need one or two soup makers for each session, however, not everyone will have to make soup. Let me know what you would like to do when you email me.