Join Betsy, Ellen, and local museum curators — the Mead Art Museum, Mount Holyoke Museum of Art, Smith College Art Museum, and the Museum of Contemporary Art, UMass Amherst — to unearth some of their exquisite and not-often-seen holdings.
Join Betsy and Ellen and museum curators from four local museums – Amherst’s Mead Art Museum, Mount Holyoke College Museum of Art, Smith College Art Museum, and the Museum of Contemporary Art, UMASS Amherst – to unearth some of their exquisite and not often seen holdings.
We will meet on four Mondays during the spring semester at each of the museums (dates and times tba) and one meeting (place and time, tba) as a wrap up.
This is a chance to talk to museum professionals about the role of the curator; how they see the role of the museum in the context of the college community; and what relationship does the museum have to the institution and the community at large.