Status: Closed

Death and Dying in America

Legal, Medical, Ethical, Cultural and Social Perspectives

Fall 2024
Tuesday Morning
Moderators: Edie Kirk, Austin Porter



This seminar will explore legal, ethical, medical, cultural, and social perspectives related to death and dying in America.


This seminar will focus on current and historical topics including but not limited to: Medical or Ethical or Legal End-of-Life considerations; Advanced Directives, Living Will, Do Not Resuscitate Orders and Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatments; Health Care Options at End-of-Life; Practical Steps in Preparing for Death; Music, Poetry or Literature related to Death and Dying in America; Roles of Various Professionals in Caring for the Dying; and Organizations offering services related to Death and Dying in America.

ROLE OF PARTICIPANTS: Participants will choose a topic (e.g., one from the list above), with the approval of the moderator, and give a 25 to 35 minute presentation via Zoom. Visuals may be included, but are not required. The presenter will also lead the group discussion following the presentation.

There are no required readings.  A list of possible topics for will be offered.

ABOUT THE MODERATOR: Edie Kirk has been a member of FCLIR for three years and has moderated previously. She has professional experience working with long term-care and hospice organizations. After growing up in Brighton MA, Austin Porter moved about the Eastern US (Newport RI, Pax River MD, the Washington DC area, and WV). He is delighted to be in the Valley and joining FCLIR.