LIR Café Society

Announcing a new venture for LIR members

Thursdays from 2 to 3:30 p.m. starting in February*

It ain’t 1915, and the Pioneer Valley isn’t London, Paris or New York, but what the hey, we can still get together to talk about whatever strikes our fancy. A felt derby or bowler not required. Just drop in, wherever and whenever you want.

The structure of each group, if any, is up to the participants. Jaw it up and see what develops. Hopefully, new or deeper friendships.

Maybe a few enemies.

Good Gracious, I hope not.


First Thursdays: Gather at Pulse Cafe, 270 Russell Street (Rte. 9) in Hadley. Pulse Cafe does not serve coffee or tea, but you are welcome to bring your own. They have some excellent plant-based food (pizza, salads) and drinks (smoothies). Check out their menu. Austin Porter will facilitate.

Second Thursdays: The Reading Round Table facilitated by Ralph Lowen will move from Wednesday to Thursday. Join in on Zoom to discuss what you’re reading and books you’ve enjoyed.

Fourth Thursdays: Join us on Zoom. Naomi Yanis will facilitate to start. The group can decide whether to have topics or free conversation, and facilitation may rotate.

* Format, day, time and meeting place may very well change over time; participants are encouraged to make suggestions.